Green Key Programme

Green Key unlocks sustainability in the tourism industry


The Green Key award is the leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operations within the tourism industry. It aims aims to raise awareness and cultivate behavioural changes in guests, staff and suppliers.

Establishments strive to minimise their environmental footprint, without compromising on comfort and quality. In fact, through lower energy and water consumption, they enjoy reduced running costs.


How to earn a Green Key

In order to qualify, an establishment must comply with certain requirements. These include:

  • staff involvement
  • corporate social responsibility,
  • guest information
  • water
  • washing and cleaning
  • waste management
  • energy
  • food and beverage
  • indoor environment
  • green areas
  • transport


Having a Green Key demonstrates an establishment’s commitment to the planet, and assures guests that their support makes a difference.

Awarded to nearly 6 000 establishments in 70 countries around the world, the Green Key award for tourism facilities has been in existence for longer than 20 years and is the largest global eco-label for accommodation.

Among the categories of establishments that qualify are hotels and hostels, campsites and holiday parks, small accommodations, conference centres, restaurants, and attractions

It is recognised and supported by, among others, the UN Tourism OrganisationUN Environment Programme and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Green Key is a programme of the international Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) which also runs the Blue Flag and Eco-Schools programmes implemented by WESSA in South Africa.

WESSA has implemented eco-labels in South Africa for more than 15 years. By joining this programme you will also be affiliating with WESSA and may use the organisation’s logo to promote this partnership.

Application Process


Find out more about the requirements, policies and costs – and how you can apply for a Green Key for your establishment.






Tevya Lotriet,
Senior Sustainable Programme Manager

Blue Flag logo
Eco-schools Logo
Green key logo
childsafe logo