Advocacy and Environmental Governance

Advocacy is at the heart of our mission.


As the voice of environmental stewardship, we strive to influence policy, raise awareness, and drive positive change that empowers communities and protects our planet.


Our role as the voice of WESSA

Advocacy represents the interests of people including members and the communities within which we serve. Environmental issues often intersect with social justice, affecting the most vulnerable communities.

Our advocacy efforts focus on creating a strong platform for dialogue, ensuring that the voices of vulnerable communities are heard in discussions about environmental policies and practices. Our team works in collaboration with local communities and members to promote a just transition towards sustainability, where every individual can thrive in harmony with nature.

WESSA’s Environmental Governance Committee (EGC), which comprises of WESSA staff and members, who proactively and reactively collaborate to engage on issues of regional, national, and international significance, is currently reviewing and redeveloping policies on 9 key issues, including Energy, Mining, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Our members are consulted in the drafting of these policies.

Advocacy in action

No to gas powerships

No to gas powerships

WESSA staff and volunteer activists opposed the proposal to mooring floating gas-powered powerstations in Saldanha, Ngqura and Richards Bay harbours.

Hands on Hartbeespoort Dam

Hands on Hartbeespoort Dam

WESSA activists have for many years been trying to prevent the pollution of the Hartbeespoort Dam and the rivers that feed it.

Almost a century of advocacy work

Almost a century of advocacy work

WESSA’s origins nearly one hundred years ago were grounded in advocating for dedicated conservation areas such as the Kruger National Park and other parks that now play a critical role in conserving and protecting our natural heritage and rich biodiversity. From the...

Ecosystems are failing because of us

Ecosystems are failing because of us

The one remaining elephant in the Knysna forest is the last of her kind, as her lineage is now functionally extinct. The African penguin is now in such rapid decline that it too could become functionally extinct within the decade. What do we do? In the case of the...

NEMBA Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy

NEMBA Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy

As a whole we welcome the DFFE’s publishing of the NEMBA Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy. We believe it a significant and pragmatic step forward in addressing many of the challenges our natural heritage faces and ensuring the constitutional imperative...

Get Involved

To volunteer your expertise and time towards our advocacy work – or seek advice with dealing with a local, regional or national environmental governance issue – please contact your WESSA regional representative or contact the Advocacy, Governance & Membership Manager:
Tel 031 2013126.


At times there are calls to WESSA members and supporters to Act by joining protests or gatherings. Become a WESSA member.


To learn how to engage in an EIA process for a local or regional development, you can sign-up to participate in a WESSA EIA course.


If you are an environmental practitioner seeking WESSA’s input on a development proposal or issue, please contact
Tel 031 2013126


Click here to support our Advocacy work with a donation – please be sure to designate ‘Advocacy’ on the drop down menu.