Fundraise for the Earth

Running a marathon? Entered a cycle race, swimming or paddling event?


Make your achievement count for more, by using this opportunity to fundraise for WESSA. Fundraise as an individual or set up a team on our website. Then ask family, friends and business colleagues to sponsor you.

You don’t handle any money yourself – just share your profile on social media, email or by word of mouth, to get as many people as possible to join in and sponsor your race.

Your race route may take you through places where nature rules undisturbed, where the air is fresh and breathtaking views unfold in the distance.

If you’re passionate about the environment and our amazingly diverse wild animals, birds and plants, choose to fundraise for WESSA and help us care for the Earth.

Popular Events

Cape Town Cycle Tour: 9 March 2025

Two Oceans: 5 April 2025

Comrades Marathon: 8 June 2025

Amashova: 20 October 2024


Any event or personal challenge can be turned into a fundraising opportunity, e.g. climbing Kilimanjaro, participating in a trail run, completing your first 10km run or half-marathon, skydive or bungee jump.