Blue FlagApplication Form Blue Flag Tourism Boat You may save this form and resume completion within 30 days. Click here for more information about the criteria required for Blue Flag status. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 14Information about the applying Tour OperatorName of Tour OperatorName of the owner of the Tour OperatorAddress of Tour OperatorMunicipality/communityCountryTelephone numberFax numberWebsiteE-mailGPS coordinates of the Tour Operator in Decimal Degrees (longitude and latitude)Name of contact personAddress of contact personTelephone no. of contact personSocial Media Handles (if applicable)FacebookInstagramTwitterTour Operator in operation since:Number of employees:Number of tourists per year (average):Prices of the offered tours (be exact):Do you have an office/centre which is open to the public?YesNoTotal number of boats in the company:Total number of boats applying for the Blue Flag:Boat informationPlease include: 1. Names of the boat(s) 2. Size of the boats(s) in meters 3. Passenger capacity per boat 4. Boat type(s)Please enclose a picture of each boat Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Can any of the boats be categorised as a "small boat"? (alternative criteria apply, see explanatory notes of criterion 1,2,3,11,12,13,30,32)YesNoIf yes, which of the boats can be categorised as a "small boat"?Type(s) of activity(s) offered:whale watchingrecreational diving/snorkelingbird watchingrecreational fishingcage divingcharterseal watchingotherDoes the activity require the presence of a qualified guide in line with criterion 6?YesNoDo you follow any guidelines/code of conducts for the activity? own guideline / code of conductnational guideline / code of conductotherIf other, please describe:Operating season (months):Location where activity takes place (name of the bay, marine protected area, lake etc.): Short description of the tour operator and the offered tours for the international Blue Flag website (approx. 100 words): NextSave and Resume LaterENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND INFORMATIONInformation relating to local ecosystems and environmental phenomena must be available to tourists. The tour operator must also provide a map and information about the area of operation and, if applicable, about the protected area they are operating in.Are the tours conducted in a sensitive naturalYesNoIf the tours are conducted in a sensitive natural marine/aquatic area/ MPA, please describe it shortly: If the tours are conducted in a sensitive natural marine/aquatic area/MPA, is information about the area provided for the tourists? YesNoPlease describe the information briefly (and enclose a copy/a picture of the information): Upload here Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. If the tours are not conducted in a sensitive natural marine/aquatic area/ MPA, what kind of environmental information or information about local phenomena (including information about valuable cultural sites/communities, topography) do you provide? Please describe the information offered (and enclose a copy/a picture of the information): Upload here (copy) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Do you provide a map of the operating area for the tourists? YesNoHow is the map provided? (Please enclose a copy/a picture of the map) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. A code of conduct for tourists that reflects appropriate rules governing the use of the boat must be displayed. The tour operator must also provide relevant information about the appropriate behaviour in the harbour area.Is the code of conduct displayed on the boat? YesNoIs the code of conduct displayed in the ticket office? YesNoIs the code of conduct presented by a guide? YesNoIs the code of conduct displayed in other ways? YesNoIf yes, please describe in which ways (leaflets, website, etc): Does the code of conduct include the following information?the adequate disposal of litterthe smoking policy on boardsafety measures (see criterion 30 for further information)the adequate behaviour during an encounter with wild animals(Please enclose a copy/a picture of the code of conduct if displayed on the boat(s), in the ticket office or in other visual ways) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Information about the Blue Flag programme and the Blue Flag for tourism boats must be displayed on the boats and in the boat office. Is there information about Blue Flag available to the tourists?In the ticket office?On the boats?On the website?Please confirm that the information includes: Who is responsible at the local, national and international level:Length of the Blue Flag season:Flag will be removed in case of non-compliance:(Please enclose a copy/a picture of the Blue Flag Information) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Please confirm the Blue Flag logo is displayed on the boatYesNoDo you require a new Blue Flag sticker for your boat? YesNoIf yes, how many?The boating operator is responsible for offering at least one environmental education activity to the tourists, employees or local community within one operating season. It is also recommended that the tour operator offers environmental education activities during each tour.How many environmental education activities do you offer? Please describe each of the planned activities: ACTIVITY 1:Name of the activity: Short description of the activity: Target group:touristsstaffchildrenlocal publicstudentsother target groupIf other, please describeACTIVITY 2:Name of the activity: Short description of the activity: Target group:touristsstaffchildrenlocal publicstudentsother target groupIf other, please describe (copy)ACTIVITY 3:Name of the activity: Short description of the activity:Target group: touristsstaffchildrenlocal publicstudentsother target groupIf other, please describe Where is the information about the environmental education activities displayed? ticket officewebsiteotherDo you also offer environmental education activities during the tours? YesNoIf yes, please give the name of the activity(s) as well as a short description of each If the boat(s) had the Blue Flag the previous year, please list the activities that were held and a short assessment on the success of these activities (how many people participate, what was the outcome, etc). Try to focus on how these activities could be improved for the future: ACTIVITY 1:Name of the activity:Short description of the activity: Target group: touristsstaffchildrenlocal publicstudentsother target groupIf other, please describe:ACTIVITY 2:Name of the activity: Short description of the activity: Target group: touristsstaffchildrenlocal publicstudentsother target groupIf other, please describe: ACTIVITY 3:Name of the activity: Short description of the activity:Target group:touristsstaffchildrenlocal publicstudentsother target groupIf other, please describe:All staff must be trained on the environmental undertakings of the operator.When was the last environmental training for the staff? Please enclose the agenda of the last training Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. When is the next environmental training for the staff? The staff of the tour operator must receive training on the local environment and/or other environmental and sustainability issues at least once a year.When was the last environmental training of the staffWhich topic(s) was/were covered?The local ecosystems: characteristics and threats they are facinglocal flora and faunalocal culturedevelopments in the local community that linked to the activities of the tour operatorsustainable consumptionresponsible tourismenvironmental managementhealth and well-beingThe United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development GoalsotherThe tour operator must provide a qualified guide who is in charge of the safety instructions and the environmental education on board for each tour. How many guides are currently employed? How many guides are employed at the peak of the season? Are all of your guides qualified? Please enclose a copy of the relevent proof/qualification/written confirmation for all current guides proving that they are qualified. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Tour operators that transfer tourists to land-based excursions on islands or in remote coastal areas must provide information about the environment at the destination and must inform tourists about their possible impact on the local ecosystems.Do you offer boat tours to land-based excursions? YesNoIf yes, are information about the environment at the destination provided on the boat? How is the information provided? (Please enclose a copy/a picture of the information) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. NextSave and Resume LaterEnvironmental ManagementA management committee should be established, with responsibility for instituting environmental management systems and conducting regular environmental audits of the sustainable boating tourism operator, the buildings of the tour operator and the tours. (GUIDELINE)Please list the management committee members and their affiliations (e.g.local authority representatives; educational representatives; local or international NGOs; community representatives; special user groups; protected area representatives; representatives of the boating industry, other Blue Flag sustainable boating tourism operators) Please indicate the activities of the management committee in the past year (if applicable)Each boating operator must have an environmental policy and an environmental plan. The plan should include references to water management, waste and energy consumption, health and safety issues, and the use of environmentally friendly products wherever possible. All employees must be informed and educated about these issues.What kind of environmental policy/plan do you have?The “environmental logbook” systemThe environmental management systemIf you use the “environmental logbook” system, please complete the sheet in appendix 1 for all boats and buildings (see explanatory notes of the sustainable boating tourism criteria for support)If you use the environmental management system, have you:followed an official certification system?or a parallel environmental management system (see explanatory notes for support)?Please name if you followed an official certification systemIs the environmental management system enclosed?YesNoDo you have an environmental policy? YesNoPlease enclose your environmental policy Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. The boating operator must comply with all regulations pertaining to the location and operation of the boats. All buildings must be properly maintained and be in compliance with national legislationDo you have the necessary permissions to act as a tour operator (please enclose copy)?YesNoPlease enclose your environmental policy (copy) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Do you have the necessary permissions to conduct the respective activity (if applicable, please enclose copy)? YesNoupload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Do the skippers have a valid license (please enclose copy)? YesNoupload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Do the boat engineers have a valid licence (if applicable, please enclose copy) YesNo season? side yes, upload (copy) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Are the boats registered?YesNoAre your buildings well maintained, well integrated and in general compliance with legislation? YesNoIs any large extensions or rebuilding planned during the season? YesNoIf yes, please describe: Hazardous waste generated on the boats and in the buildings must be stored and disposed of responsibly.What kind of hazardous waste is collected?paintssolventsboat scrapingsantifouling agentsbatterieswaste oilother hazardous watersAre the facilities for receiving hazardous waste:Kept clean and environmentally safe?Protected from falling into the water?Without possible danger for children?Without possible pollution of the ground under the facility?Protected from leaking, ignition, explosion, etc.Is the facility where the collected hazardous waste is disposed of licensed (if applicable for the respective hazardous waste)?YesNoAdequate and well-managed litter bins and/or garbage containers must be in place on the boats and in the buildings of the tour operator. The wastes must be disposed of at a licensed facility that is handled by a licensed contractor. This can be done through the harbour.Are there enough waste reception facilities on the boats? YesNoAre there enough waste reception facilities in the buildings which are open to the public?YesNoAre the waste reception facilities kept clean and regularly emptied? YesNoIs the facility receiving the collected waste licensed? YesNoFacilities for receiving recyclable waste materials such as bottles, cans, paper, plastic and organic material must be in place on the boat and in the tour operator’s buildings. What kind of facilities for receiving recyclable waste materials do you have in your buildings and on your boats? bottlescanspaperplasticorganic materialotherIf other, please describe:Please enclose a picture of your recycling facilities Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Is the facility receiving the collected recyclable waste licensed? YesNoSingle-use products used in connection with food and beverages must be avoided. If single-use products are used, recyclable products and products made of biodegradable materials must be used.Are single-use products used on the boats? YesNoIf yes, what kinds of single-use products are used and of which material are they made of?Are the materials recyclable in your country? YesNoAre single-serving packages for food products used? (e.g. milk, sugar) YesNoIf yes, please describe:Is the packaging of the single-serving products recyclable in your countryYesNo50% of food and beverages offered to tourists must be or contain local products, organic products, eco-labelled products or fair-trade products. (GUIDELINE)Do you offer food and/or beverages on your toursYesNoIf yes, please provide a list with all food and beverage products indicating whether they are locally sourced, organic, eco-labelled or fair-trade labelled. If you prepare meals on your own, one ingredient counts as one product (enclosure S)In EU countries, paper towels, facial tissues and toilet paper must be made of non-chlorine bleached paper or awarded with an eco-label. Tour operators operating in non-EU countries are strongly encouraged to follow this criterion.Are you located in an EU country?YesNoDo your paper towels, facial tissues and toilet papers comply with this criterion?YesNoPlease attach a picture of each of the paper products you are using, or attach the purchasing order form that proves that the products comply with this criterion (enclosure T) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Smoking should be prohibited on the boats. If smoking is allowed on the boats, they must have special facilities for the disposal of cigarette butts.Is smoking allowed on the boat(s)? YesNoIf yes, are there adequate disposal containers available? YesNoIf no-smoking is allowed on the boat, does signage indicate this?YesNoIf bilge water pumping facilities are available in the harbour, the tour operator should make use of them. Untreated bilge water should never be released into the sea.Are there bilge water pumping facilities available in the harbour? YesNoIf yes, do you make use of them? YesNoIf not, do you have an agreement with a neighbouring harbour to use their facilities? YesNoIf not, please describe how you handle the bilge water produced on the boats: Sewage disposal must be controlled and directed to a licensed sewage treatment facility. Untreated water from toilets should never be released into the sea or freshwater bodies, nor close to sensitive areas.Are the sanitary facilities in your buildings on land linked to a licensed sewage treatment system? YesNoIf no, please describe how the generated wastewater alternatively is removed in a safe way: Do the boats have holding tanks for black and grey water? YesNoAre there toilet tank reception facilities available in the harbour? YesNoIf not, please describe how the generated wastewater alternatively is removed and managed in a safe way:When selecting products such as paints, paint remover, detergents, etc., the tour operator must prefer environmentally friendly versions, where available and effective. Special precautions must be taken when using detergents on the outside sections of the boats.Do you use environmental friendly detergents to clean the boats and the buildings? YesNoIf yes, please describe which environmental friendly equipment/products (e.g. ecolabel, brand) or enclose pictures of the used products: Are the cleaning products that are used on the tourism boats and that enter the black and/or greywater biodegradable? YesNoIf yes, please describe which environmental friendly equipment/products (e.g. ecolabel, brand) or enclose pictures of the used products: Do you use environmental friendly paint for the boats? YesNoIf yes, please describe which environmental friendly paint (e.g. ecolabel, brand) or enclose pictures of the used products: Is the boat coated with TBT-free biocide? YesNoIf not, is the covering/removal of the biocide planned in the next 5 years? YesNoIf yes, please also add it to the environmental plan for the respective boatYesNoRepair and painting works on the boats must be limited to specifically designated areas in the harbour or locations where there is no danger that toxic substances might enter the water or the ground. Are there repairing/construction/painting works done on any of your boats? YesNoIf yes, are any functioning collection filters (or equivalent systems) used to catch the hazardous substances? YesNoIf yes, are the collected hazardous substances treated as hazardous waste? YesNoIf yes, are larger repairing activities taking place indoor or under cover? YesNoThe tour operator must provide to employees and tourists only environmentally friendly toiletries. All toiletries on the tourism boats must be biodegradableDo you provide only environmentally friendly toiletries to employees and tourists in the buildings? YesNoIf yes, please describe which environmental friendly products (e.g. ecolabel, brand) Or enclose pictures of the used products: Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Are activities in the water included in the tour? YesNoIf yes, do you provide eco-friendly sunscreen? YesNoSustainable means of transportation must be promoted whenever advising tourists or visitors as to how to get to the boats or the ticket office.Is there any sustainable transportation to/from the boat/ticket office? YesNoIf yes, please indicate the type of sustainable transportation: BusBicycles for rentGroup pick up serviceOtherIf yes, how are information about sustainable transportation provided to tourists/staff? PleaseThe relevant authorities must be notified immediately regarding accidents that might cause environmental damage. In case of an accident that might cause environmental damage, which local authorities are contacted? Speed and engine maintenance must be aimed at maximising energy efficiency and minimising pollution.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterion Clear Signature Anchoring restrictions must be respected. If available, mooring buoys must be used to protect the seabed. If no mooring buoys are available, boats must only anchor in insensitive grounds.Do the boats anchor during the tours? YesNoIf yes, please enclose a copy of the anchoring restrictions in the operating area/country (if applicable) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. If yes, are mooring buoys available in the operating area which you make use of? YesNoAfter the life service of a boat has been reached it must be disposed of in accordance with national regulations. Have you planned to dispose of any of your boats in the near future? YesNoIf yes, how do you plan to dispose it of? If yes, and if the boat is already out of order, where do you keep the boat until its disposal? Is the boat inaccessible for the public? YesNoNoise pollution from the boats must be minimisedDo you follow the national and local laws and regulations on noise pollution?YesNoHave you done an assessment of the noise level of all of your toursYesNo If yes, how has the assessment of the noise level been carried out?Is it necessary to reduce the noise level in certain situations during your toursYesNoIf yes, in which situations do you reduce the noise level?If no, why is it not necessary to reduce the noise level during your tours? Best environmental practice should also be adopted in the tour operator’s buildings and facilities that are not open to the public. (GUIDELINE)Do the buildings that are not open to the public also comply with all criteria which refer to the maintenance and equipment of the buildings? YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterSafety and services Adequate and well-signposted lifesaving, first-aid and fire-fighting equipment must be present on the boat. This equipment must be approved by relevant national authorities. Is there adequate lifesaving equipment on the boat(s)?YesNoWhat type of lifesaving equipment? lifebuoysladdersboat hooksrescue boatsotherIf other, please specify:Is the lifesaving equipment easy to find (well-signposted)?YesNoHas the lifesaving equipment been approved by the national lifesaving authorities?YesNo If no, please describe how the equipment alternatively complies with national/international standards:Are there enough live vests available?YesNoIs there adequate fire-fighting equipment on the boat(s)?YesNoWhat type of fire-fighting equipment? fire extinguisherswater hosesfire carpetsother types of fire-fighting equipmentIf other, please specify:Is the fire-fighting equipment easy to find (well-signposted)YesNoHas the fire-fighting equipment been approved by the national fire-fighting brigade?YesNoIf no, please describe how the equipment alternatively complies with national/international standards: Is there first-aid equipment available on the boat(s)YesNoIs the first-aid equipment easy to find (well-signposted)? YesNoIs the content of the first-aid box intact? YesNoDoes the first-aid equipment correspond to the content in Red Cross first-aid boxes?YesNoIf no, please describe how the equipment alternatively complies with national/international standards: Please enclose a picture of the life-saving/fire-fighting/first aid equipment on the boat(s) If you use the same equipment on all boats, one picture of each item is enough Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Emergency plans for different possible kinds of accidents must be produced. The crew must be trained on these emergency plans on a regular basis.Do you have an emergency plan in case of accidents for each boat? YesNoIf yes, please enclose a copy of the emergency plan Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Does the emergency plan cover the following emergency situations?Man overboardFireStrandingLeakingDoes the emergency plan include the following elements?Information about people to contact in case of an accidentInvolvement of administration services and people necessary to interveneProcedures for the protection, rescue or evacuation of people on the boat or in the waterProcedure of public warning and informationFirst aidDoes the staff have knowledge about the presence and content of the emergency plan? YesNoDoes every crew member know which role he or she should take in an emergency situation? YesNoHow often does your staff receive emergency training? When was the last emergency training for the crew? Safety precautions and information must be presented on the boat.Does the guide present the safety precautions during the tour? YesNoDoes the information include the following:Information about the location of lifesaving, fire-fighting and first-aid equipmentDetails on how to warn other people about an unsafe /man overboard situation and how to helpInformation about the location of the sanitary facilitiesInformation about the location of gathering points in case of an emergencyAdvice on how to safely move around on the boatGuidance regarding the consumption of alcohol on board (if prohibitedAre the general information about safety precautions included in the written code of conduct?YesNoIf the tour operator offers alcohol on its boats, it has to be done in a responsible manner.Do you offer alcohol on your boats during the tours?YesNoIf yes, do you have the necessary permissions to offer alcohol? If yes, are the tourists advised to drink responsibly if they choose to consume alcohol?Sanitary facilities must be available to the tourists. They must be clean, well-signposted and the access must be safe. Drinking water must be provided on all boats. Are there adequate and clean sanitary facilities? On the boatsIn the ticket officeNearby and available to the touristsAre the sanitary facilities easy accessible? YesNoIs drinking water available on the boats? YesNoFacilities for people with disabilities should be in place. (GUIDELINE)Do the boats have facilities for people with disabilities? YesNoIf yes, which of the following disabled facilities are available:access to the boatcar parking facilitiessanitary facilitiesother accessIf other, please describeIf yes, do the access/facilities comply with national/international regulations and standards? Adequate signage indicating the location of the different facilities must be posted on the boat. Is there signage for the following facilities on the boat?Lifesaving equipmentFirst aid equipmentEmergency gathering pointsEmergency exitsFirefighting equipmentSmoking areas / No smokingToilets (including toilets for people with disabilities)Access points (including access points for people with disabilities)Recycling facilitiesCatering facilitiesWhich of your boats have a map of the facilities on board? Please name them below:Please enclose a copy/a picture of the map(s) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. NextSave and Resume LaterSocial Responsibility Discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, origin or religious affiliation should not be accepted within the tour operator. (GUIDELINE) The tour operator does not discriminate any staff member or tourist because of his or her gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, origin or religious affiliation YesNoThe tour operator is in compliance with international and national labour legislation.All employees receive information in writing (contract) stating the employment conditions, including information about working hours, insurance and salary YesNoAll employees are paid at least a living wage, and the salary must not be below the legal minimum salary in the country YesNoThe tour operator must adjust the salaries of its employees to their level of experience and responsibility. The gender of the employees must not be relevant to the determination of salariesYesNoAll employees receive information about the working code of conduct/policies of the tour operator, and employees also receive information about the procedure for raising concerns/complaintsYesNoNo person younger than the legal working age is hired YesNoThe tour operator should support the local economy by choosing to buy and use local products. (GUIDELINE)Do you preferably buy and use local products? YesNoIf yes, please give examples for the compliance of this criterionThe tour operator actively supports local sustainability activities or initiatives of environmental/social organisations or of other groups in the local community. (GUIDELINE)Do you support local sustainability activities or initiatives of environmental/social organisations or of other groups in the local community? YesNoIf yes, please describe:Materials, equipment and furniture that are no longer used are collected and donated to charitable organisations. (GUIDELINE) Do you donate Materials, equipment and furniture that are no longer used to charitable organisations?YesNoIf yes, to which charitable organisation do you donate it to?NextSave and Resume LaterResponsible Tourism Vulnerable and protected areas must be respected.Is there a protected area/sanctuary in the operation area?YesNoIf yes, are there any fees incurred through the use of the protected area/sanctuary? If yes, how much do you have to pay? Is there a closing season?YesNoIf yes, when is the closing season? Any wildlife must be approached at a slow speed and in a manner that allows the animal(s) to evaluate the situation. They must not be encircled, trapped or chased.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoSpecial precaution must be taken in the vicinity of breeding animals. Young animals must not be separated from their group.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoWhen in the direct vicinity of any wildlife, noise must be reduced to a minimum and the engine should be put into neutral whenever appropriate. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoThe tour operator is responsible for advising tourists not to touch or collect living wild animals and plants.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoTourists and employees must not feed the animals.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIf there are any signs of disturbance, the boat must increase its distance from the animals.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoThe tour operator should be open to cooperation with research institutions. The company’s vessel might function as a research platform, and collected data of wildlife sightings should be made available to researchers. (GUIDELINE)Do you cooperate with any research institution? YesNoIf yes, please describe the cooperation: Injured, entangled, stranded or dead animals must be reported to the local authorities. Who is being contacted if an injured stranded or dead animal is spotted? NextSave and Resume LaterAdditional criteria for BIRD WATCHING BOATSDo you offer bird watching? YesNoIf yes, which species do you commonly encounter during your tours? If yes, you have to comply with the following criteria: Boats must not drive through clusters of birdsI have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIt is not allowed to use playbacks of bird calls to attract them.Do you use playbacks to attract birds? YesNoFlash photography should be avoided. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoBirds must not be spotlighted with torches or other illuminantsI have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIt is not allowed to flash birds to get a better view on them. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoNextSave and Resume LaterAdditional criteria for Cage Diving BoatsDo you offer cage diving? YesNoIf yes, which species do you commonly encounter during your tours? If yes, you have to comply with the following criteria: The cage used for cage diving must be designed in such a way that it neither poses a danger to the people in the cage nor to the sharks outside the cage. The gaps between the railings must be so narrow that no shark of any size is able to enter the cage.Please enclose a picture of all cages which are in use. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. It must be secured that the cage is properly attached to the boat. Please shortly explain how the cage is attached to the boat: All entry points to the cage must be lockable with a door or portal. The access to the cage must be safe.Are all entry points to the cage lockable with a door or portal? YesNoProtected species must not be used for baiting.What kind of bait is used to attract sharks? Are protected species used to produce bait? YesNoDecoys used for attracting sharks have to be designed in such a way that they do not pose a danger to the animals. Are decoys used to attract sharks? YesNoIf yes, please enclose a picture of the decoy Click or drag a file to this area to upload. In a predation situation, the boat must not cut off the path of the prey. It is not allowed to approach any predation closer than 50m. No more than two boats are allowed to be within 100m of a predation.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIf there is more than one cage diving boat within a radius of 300m of a shark, the boat has to slow down to a speed which should not exceed 10 knots. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoNextSave and Resume LaterAdditional criteria for Recreational diving boats Do you offer recreational diving? YesNoIf yes, you have to comply with the following criteria: Only qualified dive masters with a valid certification must be hired to conduct diving tours. Please enclose written evidence that the dive masters are qualified. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Prior to the dive, the divers have to be briefed on the dive site and about environmentally friendly diving techniques. Does the dive master brief the divers on the dive site and about environmentally friendly diving techniques prior to the dive? YesNoAll divers must prove their level of experience with a valid diving certification and have to complete the appropriate liability and medical statement documents before going on a dive trip.Do you check the divers’ level of experience before accepting them for a dive trip?YesNoDo the divers have to fill in a liability and medical statement documents before going on a dive trip?YesNoThe size of the diving group must be limited and diver’s level of experience must be considered when choosing the dive site and when forming the diving groups.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoDive sites should be switched on a regular basis to prevent their overuse. Dive operators should choose their diving spots in cooperation with the local authorities and local environmental experts.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoWater entry points must not be located above sensitive sea beds.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoThe diving equipment has to be fully operative and must be inspected regularly.Does your staff inspect the diving equipment prior to every dive trip? YesNoA risk assessment has to be conducted for every dive site. Dive masters have to brief the divers on possible risks prior to every dive trip.Has a risk assessment been carried out for every dive site? YesNoIf yes, when? (Year)If yes, by which body? If yes, has an appropriate response strategy to the assessment been assured? YesNoIf yes, please describe Are the divers educated about possible risks at the dive spot and about the appropriate behaviour if they encounter a risky situation prior to the dive? YesNoThe dive master and the crew on board must be able to administer first aid in case of an emergency. First aid training and refresher courses should be repeated at least once a month.When was the last first aid training?Which organisation conducted the first aid training? Does the staff go through a refresher training every months? YesNoThe boat must be equipped with suitable oxygen units and surface signalling devices according to national regulations. The oxygen and signalling equipment must be accessible at any time and the crew on board must be familiar with the use of the equipment.Are the boats equipped with oxygen first aid equipment? YesNoDo the divers receive surface signalling devices?YesNoIf yes, please specifyDiver propulsion vehicles must only be used by divers who carry a respective certification.Are diver propulsion vehicles offered? YesNoIf yes, do your dive masters carry a valid licence for this practice? YesNoIf yes, do you check if the divers carry a valid licence for this practice? YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterAdditional criteria for recreational fishing boatsDo you offer recreational diving? YesNoIf yes, you have to comply with the following criteria:All international and national regulations for recreational fishing practices have to be respected.Which kind of fishing activity do you offer? Please specify: Do the activities comply with national and international legislation? YesNoDo you offer fishing equipment to the tourists? YesNoIf yes, does the equipment comply with national legislation? Are recreational fishing licenses required in your country? YesNoIf yes, do you check if the tourist carry a respective licence prior to the tour? YesNoEndangered and protected species must not be caught.Please list commonly caught animals during your tours and indicate their status in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Speciestm ( No-take zones in marine protected areas and nursery grounds have to be respected. Are there any no-take zones in your operating area?YesNoIf yes, please enclose a map which indicates these zones. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. No more animals than needed for the private use must be caught.Are you familiar with all relevant catch limits? YesNoDo you provide adequate storage for the transportation of the catch to the tourists?YesNoIf yes, please briefly describe: The choice of bait must not pose a danger to the local ecosystems.What kind of bait is used for the fishing activity? Please specify: Caught animals must be handled in a humane way.Do you use nets to lift the catch out of the water? YesNoIf not, why? I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoFishing equipment must not be abandoned at the fishing sites. Defective fishing equipment must be recycled.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoFish waste must be disposed of responsibly.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterion YesNoArtisanal, subsistence and commercial fisheries must be respected. Are there any other local fishing practices in your operating area exercised for commercial or cultural purposes? YesNoIf yes, do you make sure that the activities you offer do not interfere with them? YesNoIf yes, please briefly explain how: NextSave and Resume LaterAdditional criteria for seal watching boatsDo you offer seal watching? YesNoIf yes, which species do you commonly encounter during your tours? If yes, you have to comply with the following criteria: Personal watercrafts are not permissible for seal watching.Do you use personal watercrafts to conduct your tours? YesNoSeals shouldn’t be approached closer than 50m. If a seal voluntarily approaches the boat any closer the engine should be put into neutral until the seal leaves the vicinity of the boat. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoThe boat should always approach seals which are in the water from an oblique angle. They shouldn’t approach them directly from the back or the front. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoWithin a radius of 300m haul-out sites should be approached at a no wake speed.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoFlash photography should be avoided in the vicinity of seals.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIt is not allowed to use decoys to attract seals.Do you use decoys to attract seals? YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterAdditional criteria for Whale Watching BoatsDo you offer whale watching? YesNoIf yes, which species do you commonly encounter during your tours? If yes, you have to comply with the following criteria: Personal water crafts are not permissible for whale watching. Do you use personal watercrafts to conduct your tours? YesNoCetaceans should be approached from an oblique angle. They should not be approached directly from the back or the front.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterion YesNoWithin a radius of 300m of a whale, dolphin or porpoise, whale watching boats should slow to a no-wake speed, which should not exceed 5 knots.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoWhen approaching cetaceans, the recommended distance to leave between the boat and the individual (s) is 100m. When safe to do so, the engine should be put into neutral during such an encounter. Irrespective of this recommendation, the national legislation concerning the allowed approach distance to cetaceans stands above this recommendation and must be respected. No boat, however, is permitted to approach a cetacean closer than 50m.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoNo more than two boats should be present within an observation radius of 300 to 100m. Boat must be in contact with one another via radio to coordinate their movements. Additionally, they should stay on the same side of the animal or group of animals to prevent them from feeling encircled. I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoTime spent with one animal or group of animals should be kept to a maximum of 30 minutes per boat, per tour. If more than one boat is within the observation radius (300-100m), this time should be reduced to 15 minutes per boat, per tour.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIn the case of bow-riding dolphins, the whale watching boat should not change its direction or speed abruptly. If the boat has to stop or change its course, speed should be slowed down gradually.I have read and understood the explanatory notes and ensure the compliance with this criterionYesNoIt is not permissible to use sonar to detect cetaceans. Do you use sonar to attract cetaceans? YesNoIf yes, please specify (including frequency): Environmental logbook sheet Name of the tour operator: Name of responsible person: Year: ActivityDateGoal & descriptionDocumentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDateGoal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDate Goal & descriptionDocumentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDate Goal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDateGoal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDate Goal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDateGoal & descriptionDocumentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDate Goal & descriptionDocumentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Activity Date Goal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Activity Date Goal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. ActivityDate Goal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Activity Date Goal & description Documentation Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Further remarksNextSave and Resume LaterEnclosures (all activities)Please enclose a copy of other environmental code of conducts that you are following (if applicable) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please enclose a picture of each boat Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Please enclose a copy/a picture of the code of conduct (if displayed) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose a copy/a picture of the map Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose copies/pictures of the environmental information which you offer to the tourists Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please enclose copies/pictures of the displayed Blue Flag information Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please enclose copies/pictures of the environmental information related to land-based excursions which you offer to the tourists (if applicable) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please enclose the agenda of the last environmental training Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose a copy of the written confirmation for all guides proving that they are qualified Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose a copy of your permission to function as a tour operator Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose a copy of your permission(s) to undertake the respective activity(s) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files. Please enclose a copy of your captains’ licenses Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose a copy of your engineers’ licenses Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please enclose a copy of the environmental management policy/plan, or the environmental logbook for all boats and all buildings that are open for the public, including the past year’s completed goals and goals for the coming year Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please enclose a copy of the environmental management policy/plan, or the environmental logbook for all buildings that are not open for the public, including the past year’s completed goals and goals for the coming year (if you choose to comply with criterion 22) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please enclose a picture of the recycling system that you are using on the boat(s) (If you use the same system on all boats one picture is enough) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files. Please enclose a picture of the recycling system that you are using in the public building(s) (If you use the same system in all buildings one picture is enough) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files. Please enclose a picture of the lifesaving/fire-fighting/first-aid equipment on the boat(s) (If you use the same equipment on all boats, one picture of each item is enough) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files. Please submit a brief description of the emergency plans, including who is responsible for what Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please enclose a copy of the anchoring restrictions in the operating area/country (if the boats anchor during the tour) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please enclose a copy/a picture of the map(s) of the boat(s) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Please attach a high resolution photo (500KB) of your Boat Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files. Enclosures (specific activities)For cage diving Please enclose a picture of all cages which are in use Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. If you use decoys to attract sharks, please enclose a picture of them Click or drag a file to this area to upload. For recreational diving Please enclose written evidence that the dive masters are qualified Click or drag a file to this area to upload. If diver propulsion vehicles are offered, please enclose written evidence that your dive masters carry a valid license for this practice Click or drag a file to this area to upload. For recreational fishing Please enclose a map which indicates the no-take zones in your operating area Click or drag a file to this area to upload. NextSave and Resume LaterDispensationsDo all of your boats fully comply with the criteria? YesNoIf no, please include all boats which do not comply in the environmental plan and give reason for the non-compliance, as well as a plan of action for the respective boats. Note: sustainable boating tourism operators must aim to make all of their boats comply with the criteria if they do not yet at the time of the application. They must include this aim in the environmental plan required by the Blue Flag criteria and the plan must be validated by the International Jury. Since we award the whole tour operator, boats that do not fully comply are nevertheless allowed to fly the Blue Flag as well, given that the non-compliances do not pose any danger to the health and safety of the boat passengers, of the staff or to the environment. All imperative criteria must be complied with in order to obtain the Blue Flag. In the event of discussions arising out of the National Jury processes, or cases in which an applicant has failed to fulfill the imperative criteria, the National Jury can forward a sustainable boating tourism operator to the International Jury as a dispensation case. In the case of an application requiring a dispensation, the National Jury must forward the case to the International Jury with the necessary background documentation and an explanation as to what imperative criteria have not been fulfilled, giving reasons as to why a dispensation is requested. A tour operator can apply for dispensation when: facilities are under construction at the time of the application but will be completed by the start of the operating season. the size and/or design of the boat does not allow for compliance with a criterion. The activity offered on the boats doesn’t require the presence of a guide. the waste management in the respective country does not allow for the recycling of different kinds of waste. the facilities in the harbour where the tour operator is located do not allow for compliance with a criterion. the tour operator shares the ticket office with other companies/organisations, such that their influence on the environmental management of the building is limited. The Blue Flag CommitmentThis application is to be considered as a contract between the owner of the tour operator and FEE. By signing we confirm that the information given above is correct and that the obligations will be fulfilled. The responsible person at the tour operator undertakes to remove the Blue Flag if an imperative criterion no longer is fulfilled and to inform the national Blue Flag office immediately. We are informed that the National and International Blue Flag Jury as well as the National and the International office reserve the right to refuse or withdraw the Blue Flag where the tour operator is responsible for current violations of national environmental regulations or otherwise act in discord with the objectives and spirit of the International Blue Flag Programme.ResponsibilityBy signing this form, the applicant assumes full responsibility – including liability – for the information provided in this form. By signing this form, the applicant assumes full responsibility for acts that are not in compliance with the Criteria and the mission of Blue Flag International, only when these acts have occurred due to its negligence.Owner of the tour operator: DateSignature Clear Signature SubmitSave and Resume Later Your form has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can use to access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link