Blue FlagApplication Form Blue Flag Marina Application You may save this form and resume completion within 30 days. Click here for more information about the criteria required for Blue Flag status. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 7Information about the applying MarinaName of MarinaAddress of MarinaMunicipality/communityRegionTelephone numberFax numberWebsiteE-mailGPS coordinates of marina in Decimal Degrees (longitude and latitude)Name of contact personAddress of contact personTelephone no. of contact personInformation text about the marina (around 100 words) for the International Blue Flag websiteNo. of berths at the marinaNo. of guest berths at the marinaIs there any shop/kiosk near/at the marinaYesNoSocial Media Handles (if applicable)FacebookInstagramTwitterNextSave and Resume LaterENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND INFORMATIONInformation relating to local eco-systems and environmental phenomena must be available to marina usersAre there any nearby sensitive natural areas or sensitive coastal zone ecosystems (including Coastal or Marine Protected Areas)? YesNoIf there are any sensitive coastal ecosystems, or nearby sensitive natural areas (including Coastal or Marine Protected Areas), please describe them brieflyIf there are any nearby sensitive, natural areas, is information about these areas (including a code of conduct for proper behaviour) posted at the marina information board?YesNoPlease describe the information briefly (or enclose a copy of the information)Upload here if you prefer Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. If there are no nearby sensitive areas, does the marina display information about environmental eco-systems or local phenomena?YesNoPlease describe the information displayedWhich local groups have been contacted for advice on this information?Has the marina got other environmental information posted at the information board? YesNoIf yes, please describe the other environmental information briefly (or enclose a copy of the information)Upload here if you prefer Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. A code of conduct that reflects appropriate laws governing the use of the marina and surrounding areas must be displayed at the marina Is the environmental code of conduct displayed at the information board? YesNoDoes the environmental code of conduct include the following information?Use of reception facilities for hazardous waste / oil waste?Use of the garbage containers / litterbins / waste recycling facilities?Respect for sensitive protected natural areas?Avoidance of sensitive protected areas where sailing is prohibited?Use of the boat-repairing and washing areas according to the prescriptions?Prohibition of emptying litterbins, toilet tank waste etc into the marina, sea or along the coast?Use of the toilet tank waste facilities? Is the marina code of conduct displayed in other ways?YesNo If yes, please describe in which ways (leaflets, website, etc)Is information about the Blue Flag marina programme and/or criteria posted at the information board? YesNoThe marina is responsible for offering at least three environmental education activities to the users and staff of the marinaHow many environmental education activities are planned? Please describe each of the 3 major planned activitiesACTIVITY 1:Name of the activityShort description of the activityType of activitybrochure/postereventenvironmental education projectBlue Flag CentreotherIf other, please describeTarget groupclub membersmarina guestschildrenlocal publicmarina staffotherIf other, please describeACTIVITY 2:Name of the activityShort description of the activityType of activitybrochure/postereventenvironmental education projectBlue Flag CentreotherIf other, please describeTarget group club membersmarina guestschildrenlocal publicmarina staffotherIf other, please describeACTIVITY 3:Name of the activity Short description of the activityType of activitybrochure/postereventenvironmental education projectBlue Flag CentreotherIf other, please describe Target groupclub membersmarina guestschildrenlocal publicmarina staffotherIf other, please describeWhere is the information about the environmental education activities displayed? Ie. Information board/other locations (please describe where)If the marina had the Blue Flag the previous year, please list the activities that were held and a short assessment on the success of these activities (did many people participate, what was the outcome, etc). Try to focus on how these activities could be improved for the futureACTIVITY 1Name of the activityAssessment of activityACTIVITY 2Name of the activityAssessment of activityACTIVITY 3Name of the activity Assessment of activityIs the Individual Blue Flag for boat owners offered through the marinaYesNo If yes, the national version or the international versionNationalInternational If yes, does the marina offer the environmental code of conduct, or both the environmental code of conduct and the flagenvironmental code of conductenvironmental code of conduct and the flag If no, please explain why it is impossible to offer the Individual Blue Flag for boat owners through the marinaIf no, is it described at the information board about the Individual Blue Flag for boat owners – and how to get the Flag alternativelyDo you display information about the individual Blue Flag for boat owners on the information board?YesNoTwice a year there is a meeting with the staff about Blue Flag measurements / environment / sustainabilityHave Blue Flag meetings towards measurements, environment and sustainability been organised with the staff within the last year?YesNoIf yes, please indicate the dates of the previous meetings and the coming oneIf yes, please indicate the main points which were discussedIs the environmental plan part of the Blue Flag training for the marina staff? (g)YesNoSensitive Area managementIs your marina in or near a Marine Protected Area?YesNoIf yes, do you consult with the MPA management to ensure suitable ecosystem conservation and biodiversity goals? YesNoIf yes, please elaborateAdequate and properly identified, segregated containers must be in place for the storage of hazardous wastes. The wastes have to be handled by a licensed contractor and disposed of at a licensed facility for hazardous wastesWhat kind of hazardous waste can be received at the marina? paintssolventsboat scrapingsantifouling agentsbatterieswaste oilotherIf other, please describeIs your marina a small or remote area (with less than 150 berths)YesNoIf yes, do you find it impossible to deal with hazardous waste? YesNoIf yes, for what reasons? Please explain.If yes, have you signed an agreement with a neighbouring marina? YesNoIf yes, is the information provided to the public on the information board? YesNoIf yes, you understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that the waste is correctly managed at the neighbouring marinaYesNoIn your marina (or neighbouring marina for small marinas with an agreement) Are the facilities for hazardous wasteKept clean and environmentally safe?Separated from other facilities?Without possible danger for children?Without possible pollution of the ground under the facility?Protected from leaking, ignition, explosion, etc.Are the facilities for hazardous waste approved by relevant authorities? YesNoIs the transportation of the hazardous waste carried out by licensed carriers? YesNoIs the facility receiving the hazardous waste licensed? YesNoDoes the marina comply with the EU Waste Management Directive? YesNoIf no (for non-EU members), please describe which other national/international waste management standard the marina followsAdequate and well-managed litterbins and/or garbage containers must be place. The wastes are handled by a licensed contractor and disposed of at a licensed facilityWhat kind of waste reception facilities does the marina have?litter binswaste containersother types of facilitiesIf other, please describeAre there enough waste reception facilities at the marina? YesNoAre the waste reception facilities kept clean and regularly emptied? YesNoIs the transportation of the waste carried out by licensed carriers?YesNoIs the facility receiving the waste licensed?YesNoThe marina must have facilities for receiving recyclable waste materials, such as bottles, cans, paper, plastic, organic material, etc.What kind of facilities for receiving recyclable waste materials does the marina have?bottlescanspaperplasticorganic materialotherIf other, please describeWhere is the information about how to separate the different types of recyclable waste posted?at the location of the facilityat the information boardat other locationsIf other, please describeIs the transportation of the recyclable waste carried out by licensed carriers? YesNoIs the facility receiving the recyclable waste licensed?YesNoBilge water pumping facilities should be available at the marinaIs your marina a small or remote area (with less than 150 berths) YesNoIf yes, do you find it impossible to provide bilge water pumping facilities? YesNoIf yes, for what reasons? Please explain.If yes, have you signed an agreement with a neighbouring marina? YesNoIf yes, is the information provided to the public on the information board? YesNoIf yes, you understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that the bilge water pumping facilities are well managed at the neighbouring marinaYesNoIs there bilge water pumping facilities at/near the marina (or neighbouring marina for small marinas with an agreement)? YesNoIf yes, can the facility separate the oily bilge water from oily residues? YesNoIf yes, is the facility easily accessible for all potential users? YesNoToilet tank waste reception facilities must be present in the marinaIs your marina a small or remote area (with less than 150 berths) YesNoIf yes, do you find it impossible to provide toilet tank waste reception facilities? YesNoIf yes, for what reasons? Please explain.If yes, have you signed an agreement with a neighbouring marina? YesNoIf yes, is the information provided to the public on the information board? YesNoIf yes, you understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that the toilet tank waste reception facilities are well managed at the neighbouring marina YesNoIs there toilet pumping facilities at/near the marina (or neighbouring marina for small marinas with an agreement)?YesNoIf yes, please indicate the type of facility:permanent toilet pumping stationmobile toilet pumping facilitysludge pumping vanother type of facilityIf other, please describeIf yes, is the facility easily accessible for all potential users (including the boats requiring more space and depth)?YesNoIf yes, is the facility in accordance with national legislation? YesNoAll buildings and equipment must be properly maintained and be in compliance with national legislation. The marina must be well integrated with the surrounding natural and built environmentDoes the marina have the necessary permissions to act as a marina? YesNoIs the marina (including all building and equipment) well maintained, well integrated and in general compliance with legislation? YesNoHas an Environmental Impact Assessment been carried out? YesNoIs the marina with >500 berths and constructed in 2000 or later? YesNoIs the marina extended with >250 berths? YesNoAre the other buildings/facilities at the marina area (including shops, restaurants, cranes, playgrounds, etc) clean, safe, properly maintained and in compliance with legislation?YesNoIs any unauthorised pollution from buildings/facilities entering the marina land, water or surroundings?YesNoDoes the marina use environmental friendly equipment/products? YesNoIf yes, please describe which environmental friendly equipment/productsIf no, please describe why notAre green areas at the marina properly maintained in an environmental friendly way (without use of pesticides)? YesNoIf no, please describe why notIs any large extensions or rebuilding at the marina planned during the season?YesNoAdequate, clean and well sign-posted sanitary facilities, including washing facilities must be in place and provide drinking water. Sewage disposal is controlled and directed to a licensed sewage treatmentAre there adequate and clean sanitary facilities?YesNoPlease indicate the number of toilets Selected Value: 0 Please indicate the number of washbasins Selected Value: 0 Please indicate the number of showers Selected Value: 0 Are drinking water facilities available? YesNoAre the sanitary facilities easy accessible and located close to any point of the marina?YesNoAre the sanitary facilities linked to a licensed sewage treatment system? YesNoIf no, please describe how the generated wastewater alternatively is removed in a safe wayIf the marina has boat repairing and washing areas, no pollution must enter the sewage system, marina land and water or the natural surroundingsDoes the marina have a boat repairing and/or washing area? YesNoIf yes, does the repairing/washing area comply with regulation/standards? YesNoIf yes, is the repairing/washing area clearly designated? YesNoIf yes, are there any functioning collection filters (or equivalent systems) to catch the hazardous substances?YesNoIf yes, are the collected hazardous substances treated as hazardous waste? YesNoIf yes, are larger repairing activities taking place indoor or under cover? YesNoSustainable transportation should be promotedIs the marina located >2 kilometres from the nearest urban settlement?YesNoIs there any sustainable transportation to/from the marina? YesNoIf yes, please indicate the type of sustainable transportation:busbicycles for rentpedestrian pathwaysotherIf other, please describe:Parking/driving is not permitted in the marina, unless in specific designated areasIs parking/driving allowed in the marina? YesNoIf yes, have specific areas for driving/parking been designated for the purpose? YesNoIf yes, is there free passage for people walking in the marina?YesNoThe water consumption in the sanitary facilities and showers must be controlledIs there a maximum flow of 6 litres per minute out of the taps at the marina?YesNoIs there a maximum flow of 9 litres per minute out of the showers at the marina?YesNoIs there a maximum flow of 6 litres per toilet flush at the marina?YesNoIf not, are the toilets equipped with a grey water system?YesNoIf not, are the toilets equipped with a stop button?YesNoIf not, are the toilets equipped with a double flush system?YesNoDoes the marina take additional measures: pressure/Sensor faucetsa system to stop the water flow easilypayment system (coins system, SEP key)use of greywaterwater recycling systemotherOnly environmentally friendly cleaning products must be used for the cleaning of the facilities in the marinaFor sanitary and interior, are only environmentally friendly cleaning products with an accredited environmental label, or products that are not on the blacklist used at the marina?YesNoFor sanitary and interior, are only eco-label accredited cleaners used at the marina?YesNoIf the cleaning operations are outsourced, are these terms included in the contract?YesNoAre the cleaners regulated by laws (HACCP)?YesNoFor daily cleaning activities, are only fibre cloth products used?YesNoOnly environmentally friendly toiletries, paper towels and toilet papers must be provided in the sanitary facilities of the marina. Soap and other personal care products must be provided in dispensers with a dosing systemDoes the marina provide only environmentally friendly toiletries, paper towels and toilet papers?YesNoAre paper towels and toilet paper made of non-chlorine paper?YesNoIf no, do these products have an eco-label?YesNoDoes the marina provide soap and other personal care products in dispensers with a dosing system? YesNoOnly energy efficient lighting must be used. Sensors which regulate the use of the light should be installed wherever considered as being usefulAre only energy efficient lighting used indoor at the marina?YesNoIf not, does the marina provide a different lighting option?YesNoIf yes, what is the substitution plan?Are only energy efficient lighting used outdoor at the marina?YesNoIf not, does the marina provide a substitution plan?YesNoIf yes, what is the substitution plan?Is there a use of lighting sensors at the sanitary facilities (showers, toilets facilities, etc)?YesNoIs there a use of lighting sensors at the marina office?YesNoIs there a use of lighting sensors in outdoor areas?YesNoIf yes, which ones:The energy supply of the marina should be based on renewable energiesAre renewable energies used at the marina?YesNoIf yes, which kind of renewable energies do you use at the marina?solarwind powerhydroelectric energybiomassgeothermal powerIs 100% of the energy used at the marina renewable?YesNoDoes the marina produce renewable energy?YesNoIf yes, which kind of renewable energies do you produce at the marina?solarwind powerhydroelectric energybiomassgeothermal powerDoes the marina purchase green gas?YesNoIf yes, do you have certificates for your purchases?YesNoThe marina should aim at being climate neutralDoes the marina carry out a CO2 study for its activities?YesNoDoes the marina purchase CO2 certificates for its remaining CO2 emissions?YesNoArtificially/Man-made green areas and gardens in the marina must be maintained sustainablyIs there any artificial/man-made green area or garden in the marina?YesNoIf yes, does the marina use environmental friendly methods when maintaining these areas?YesNoIf yes, which measures are taken:no use of fertilizermanually lawn mowingonly organic material useduse of endemic plantsonly organic material from compost heapuse of imported (non-regional) plantsno use of chemical pesticidesuse plants needing low water resourcesno use of herbicidesautomatic watering system sprinkleronly watering in early morning or after sunsetotherDoes the marina use chemical pesticides and fertilizers?YesNoIf yes, are they used more than once a year?YesNoIf yes, why are they used more often?If there are flowers and gardens at the marina, are they watered only in early morning and after sunset?YesNoIs the rainwater collected at the marina?YesNoWhen planting new green areas, are only endemic or native species used?YesNoThe facilities in the marina must be made of environmentally friendly materials. Local suppliers should be preferably used when equipping the marina with new buildings, infrastructure or furnitureAre the facilities in the marina made of environmentally friendly materials?YesNoDo the paints used for maintaining the marina have an eco-label? YesNoFor any new construction, reconstruction or renovation of the marina, are the environment and sustainability of materials used taken into account?YesNoAre local suppliers used when equipping the marina?YesNoAre the wood purchased certified and approved by (inter)national authorities?YesNoThird ChoiceIs the Energy Performance Coefficient of the materials at least 5% lower than required in national legislation?YesNoDo you ask your suppliers for a signed declaration of delivery of sustainable products and services?YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterSafety and services Adequate and well signposted lifesaving, first-aid equipment and fire-fighting equipment must be present. Equipment must be approved by national authorities Is there adequate lifesaving equipment in the marina? YesNoWhat type of lifesaving equipment? lifebuoysladdersboat hooksrescue boatsotherIf other, please specify:Is the lifesaving equipment easy to find (well-signposted)?YesNoIs the lifesaving equipment located less than 200 meters away from any boat in the marina? YesNoIs the lifesaving equipment available 24 hours a day during the whole Blue Flag season?YesNoHas the lifesaving equipment been approved by the national lifesaving authorities?YesNo If no, please describe how the equipment alternatively complies with national/international standards:Is there adequate fire-fighting equipment at the marina?YesNoWhat type of fire-fighting equipment? fire extinguisherswater hosesfire carpetsother types of fire-fighting equipmentIf other, please specify:Is the fire-fighting equipment easy to find (well-signposted)YesNoIs the fire-fighting equipment located less than 200 meters from any boat or installation in the marina?YesNoIs the fire-fighting equipment available 24 hours a day during the whole Blue Flag season?YesNoHas the fire-fighting equipment been approved by the national fire-fighting brigade?YesNoIf no, please describe how the equipment alternatively complies with national/international standards: Is there first-aid equipment available at the marina?YesNoWhere can the first-aid equipment be found? marina officeshop/restaurantother location at the marinaIf other, please specify where:Is the first-aid equipment easy to find (well-signposted)?YesNoAt what times is the first-aid equipment available? Is the content of the first-aid box intact throughout the Blue Flag season?YesNoDoes the first-aid equipment correspond to the content in Red Cross first-aid boxes? YesNoIf no, please describe how the equipment alternatively complies with national/international standards: Is a public or emergency telephone available at/near the marina?YesNoIs the telephone available all 24 hours a day?YesNoIs the location of the telephone easy to find (well signposted)?YesNoIs the entrance/exit of the marina marked with extra clear signs for inexperienced sailors?YesNoIs the marina lit at night?YesNoIf there are dry docks, are they fire protected and accessible to emergency vehicles?YesNoEmergency plans in case of pollution, fire or other accidents must be producedDoes the marina have an emergency plan in case of accidents at/near the marina?YesNoDoes the emergency plan include the following elements:information about people to contact in case of an accidentinvolvement of administration services and people necessary to interveneprocedures for the protection or evacuation of people at/near the marinaprocedure of public warning and informationWhat is the extent of the emergency plan:specific for the marinapart of a larger harbour emergency planpart of larger municipal emergency planpart of larger regional emergency planDoes the staff at the marina have knowledge about the presence and content of the emergency plan?YesNoSafety precautions and information must be posted at the marinaDoes the marina have general information about safety precautions posted? YesNoDoes the safety precautions include the following information:information about the correct storage of hazardous and flammable wastedirections for filling gasoline/petrol tanks at the fuelling stationsigns for safety hazards (e.g. unprotected piers)prohibition of open fire or fireworks at the marina (unless there is a designated area or permission from the marina)directions for the safe use of electrical outlets at the marinano swimming in the marinainformation about the location of telephone, lifesaving, fire-fighting and first-aid equipmentinformation about how to use the above-mentioned equipmentdetails on how to warn other people about an unsafe situationinformation about who to contact for further information about safety at the marinainformation about relevant emergency telephone numbers (police, fire department, ambulance, marina manager)Electricity and water is available at the berths, installations must be approved according to national legislationIs electricity and water available for the boats (less than 25 meters away from the berths)?YesNoIs there information about the conditions for using the electricity/water?YesNoIs there information about energy/water saving? YesNoAre the installations safe and according to national/international legislation? YesNoFacilities for disabled people should be in placeDoes the marina have facilities for disabled people?YesNoIf yes, which of the following disabled facilities are available: access to/around in the marinacar parking facilitiessanitary facilitiesboating facilitiesotherIf other, please describe:If yes, does the access/facilities comply with national/international regulations and standards?YesNoA map indicating the location of the different facilities must be posted at the marinaIs a map of the marina posted at the information board?YesNoDoes the map include the location of the following facilities:reception facilities for hazardous and oil wastegarbage containersfacilities for recyclable wastetoilet tank/bilge water pumping facilitieslifesaving equipmentfire-fighting equipmentfirst-aid equipmenttelephonesanitary facilities (toilets, showers, etc)fuelling stationboat repairing/washing areamarina office/club housefacilities for disabled peopledesignated parking areasboat places reserved for guest boatsnearby public transportationyou are here indicatorsdirection signs, e.g. Northother facilitiesIf other, please describeAre the cartographic co-ordinates of the marina located in a clearly visible place? YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterWater quality Visually clean water and marina (no oil, litter, sewage or other evidence of pollution) Is the marina water kept visually clean? YesNoIs the marina area (including shops, restaurants, green areas at the marina) kept visually clean?YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterCoporate Social Responsibility The marina management has a CSR policy, covering the areas of Human Rights, Labour Equity Environmental Education and Anti-corruption Does the marina have a CSR policy and an action programme for the next three years?YesNoIf yes, please submit as annex a copy of the statement signed by the senior manager. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Can all staff members provide input to the CSR/Sustainability policies? YesNoIf yes, how:NextSave and Resume LaterSocial/community involvement The marina management takes at least two measures to encourage sustainable relationships in the immediate environment and to fulfill its commitment to perform better on social fields Do you take one or several actions described below?promoting good relations of residents / stakeholders and is working on a long-term relationship with them (free facilities, organising free events, provides an annual gift to compensate for any inconvenience)stimulating the local economyworking with other local organisations such as local associations, nature organisationsis actively involved in a charity or conservation organisationproviding free communication platform for charity (display at reception)distributing sustainable gifts and / or sale itemssponsoring a social / community organisation; direct or indirect, material or immaterial, or is committed to a social purpose and put here for demonstrable inparticipating actively in charity workotherPlease describe the measures taken to encourage sustainable relationships in the immediate environment and to fulfil your commitment to perform better on social fields: NextSave and Resume LaterThe Blue Flag commitment This application is to be considered as a contract between the marina owner and FEE. By signing we confirm that the information given above is correct and that the obligations will be fulfilled. The responsible marina owner undertakes to remove the Blue Flag if an imperative criterion no longer is fulfilled and to inform the national Blue Flag office immediately. We are informed that the National Blue Flag Jury and the International Jury reserve the right to refuse or withdraw the Blue Flag where the marina is responsible for current violations of national environmental regulations or otherwise act in discord with the objectives and spirit of the International Blue Flag Programme. Name of Marina green cleaning clearly Marina ownerDateSignature Clear Signature Enclosures (a guideline) A detailed map of the marina showing the location of the following items: Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. A. boundaries of the marina applying for the Blue Flag B. location of the marina map and information board C. reception facilities for hazardous and oil waste D. garbage containers E. facilities for recyclable waste F. toilet tank/bilge water pumping facilities G. lifesaving equipment H. fire-fighting equipment I. first-aid equipment J. telephone K. sanitary facilities (toilets, showers, etc) L. fuelling station M. boat repairing/washing area N. marina office/club house O. facilities for disabled people P. designated parking areas Q. boat places reserved for guest boats R. nearby public transportationIf there are any natural sensitive areas near the marina, on land or at sea, please enclose a copy of the publicly displayed information about these areas. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. If there is a natural sensitive area (including Marine Protected Area), please enclose information on how this area is monitored and managed as well as by whom. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. If there are no natural sensitive areas, please enclose a copy of the environmental information displayed on the information board Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please submit a brief description of the emergency plans, including who is responsible for what. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please submit a copy of the environmental code of conduct and safety precautions that are posted at the marina. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please submit a copy of the Blue Flag programme information and the Individual Blue Flag information that is posted at the marina. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please submit a copy of the environmental management policy/plan, or the environmental logbook, including the past year’s completed goals and goals for the coming year. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please submit a copy of the minutes of the management meetings related to the Blue Flag measurements, environment and sustainability training for the staff. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Please submit a copy of the CSR policy statement signed by the senior management staff of the marina. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please submit a copy of the CSR programme for the next three years. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please submit a copy of the contract with the licensed contractors handling waste, recyclable waste and hazardous waste. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please submit pictures of the recycling facilities (recyclable waste and hazardous waste), the lifesaving equipment and the fire fighting equipment. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. If you are a small or remote marina (less than 150 berths) and are disposing your hazardous waste in a neighbouring marina, please enclose the written agreement between yourself and this marina. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. If you are a small or remote marina (less than 150 berths) and are offering bilge water pumping facilities through a neighbouring marina, please enclose the written agreement between yourself and this marina. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. If you are a small or remote marina (less than 150 berths) and are offering toilet tank waste reception facilities through a neighbouring marina, please enclose the written agreement between yourself and this marina. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please attach a high resolution photo (500KB) of your Marina Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. SubmitSave and Resume Later Your form entry has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can use to access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link