Apr 17, 2018 | Archives
WESSA, together with many countries around the world, is celebrating the actions taken towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the FEE Global Action Days: a week-long showcasing of the revolutionary work carried out by members of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).
WESSA is the implementing NGO in South Africa for five FEE programmes: Eco-Schools, Learning About Forests (LEAF), Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE), Blue Flag, and Green Key. In 2017 there were 853 registered Eco-Schools with over 640 000 learners and 4 265 teachers participating. The projects are linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with their focus on SDG 4: Quality Education.
Through the Global Action Days celebrated from 16 – 22 April 2018, we are highlighting the activities of participating schools around the country, to showcase and share the positive actions they have coordinated, promoted and participated in throughout the year with a variety of projects that fall under several of the 17 SDGs. These actions taken by South African participants will receive the recognition they are so worthy of on an international stage. The event is open to students, parents, communities and NGOs, both inside and outside the FEE network, and participation by all is encouraged.
The 17 SDGs (adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at a historic UN Summit) came into force on 1 January 2016. With these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change. The SDGs, also known as Global Goals, build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to go further to end all forms of poverty, ensuring that no one is left behind. These Goals are unique in that they call for action by all countries with all income-levels to promote prosperity while protecting the planet, recognizing that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.
While the SDGs are not legally binding, governments are expected to take ownership and establish national frameworks for the achievement of the 17 Goals. Countries have the primary responsibility for follow-up and review of the progress made in implementing the Goals, which will require quality, accessible and timely data collection. Regional follow-up and review will be based on national-level analyses and contribute to follow-up and review at the global level.
If you would like to participate in the Global Action Days simply register online, plan your action and document it by taking pictures, making a video, or writing an article. Join FEE’s Facebook Global Action Days group, share your action, and inspire the rest of the world! Registration is mandatory and you can do so here: www.ecoschools.global/global-action-days/register/
For more information please see www.fee.global/global-action-days or contact Serena Vanotti on serena@fee.global.
Serena Vanotti
Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) Programme Assistant
Email: serena@fee.global
Delana Eksteen
WESSA Programme Manager: Eco-Schools
Tel: 066 302 4584
Email: delana@wessa.co.za
Mar 31, 2018 | Archives
Schools in the Limpopo province who participate in the international Eco-Schools Programme recently gathered at Bolivia Lodge in Polokwane to celebrate their 2017 achievements. The awards presented at the ceremony were in acknowledgment of the participating schools meeting all the criteria for the Eco-Schools programme.
The assessment criteria for the Eco-Schools programme includes evaluation on schools’ efforts to improve environmental awareness and sustainability practices in the school and the community, developing environmental action projects and learning programmes which have improved their schools’ sustainability practices.
A total of 95 awards were presented to schools during this prestigious annual ceremony. From those that received recognition on the day included 17 schools that received their “Green Flag” for having successfully participated for three years in the programme, 12 schools that received their “Decade Awards” indicating that they have been participating successfully in the programme for more than 10 years while 28 of the schools received their “Platinum Awards” indicating that they have been participating in the programme for six to nine years.
Ten of the Limpopo schools that received awards are supported through funding from De Beers, while six schools that received awards are supported by the Capricorn District Municipality and a further ten schools are funded by Fetakgomo-Greater Tubatse Municipality.
Says Judy van Schalkwyk, WESSA Project Manager for Eco-Schools in the Limpopo Province: “It is an honour to work with schools at local level in the Eco-Schools programme. The awards ceremony is a great platform for schools to showcase their success stories, and share their ideas, challenges and solutions with peers. These schools are truly ambassadors for a healthy environment!”
Eco-Schools is a school-based environmental management, certification and sustainable development education programme of the international Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). The programme is implemented in 67 countries around the world and by WESSA in South Africa since 2003. Eco-Schools aims to improve environmental management and environmental learning at schools by assisting them to grow and develop their environmental capacity. The programme supports the National Curriculum (CAPS) and benefits the school in terms of whole-school development and improvement.
Judy van Schalkwyk
WESSA Project Manager: Eco-Schools
Tel 072 455 2252
Email Judy@wessa.co.za
Images and captions
Image 1: Kgomoshiakwena Primary, Matlou Memorial Primary and Sekanekamoyi Primary schools received their Silver Decade Awards for successfully participating for 12 or more years in the Eco-Schools programme.
Image 2: Pula-Madibogo Primary, Jack Morare Primary, Morutsi Primary, Rammupudu Primary and Mashamaite Senior Secondary Schools received their Platinum Level 3 Awards for successfully participating for eight or more years in the Programme.
Image 3: Waterberg Academy and Marken Primary Schools received Bronze Decade Awards for successfully participating for 11 or more years in the Eco-Schools programme.
Image 4: Baropodi Inclusive Primary, Kgokolo Primary, Rabasotho Primary, Sepedi Primary, Thutlane Lower Primary and Ezrom Primary Schools received their International Flag Awards for successfully completing five or more years in the Eco-Schools programme.
Image 5: Christ the King Combined, Makgwadiba Primary, Ithuteng Lower Primary, Mama Primary, Mokgabudi Primary, Tswelopele Primary, Mahlagaume Primary, Thabane Primary, Lekakaretsa Primary, Sihlekisi Primary, Powerline Primary, Mabonwana Primary and Jameyana Primary Schools received their Silver Awards for having successfully participated for two or more years in the Eco-Schools programme.
Image 6: Bokwidi Primary, Galakwinstroom Primary, Given Mangolo Primary, Leubaneng Primary, Mushi Primary, Reabilwe Primary, Serema High and Supi Primary Schools received their Platinum Level 4 Awards for having successfully participated for 9 or more years in the Eco-Schools programme.
Image 7: Toronto Primary, Mamoyahabo Primary, Mantshabe Primary, Modikwa Primary, Nonyana Primary, Rasekgale Primary, Sepanya Primary, Makgari Primary, Rasebilu Primary, Ridgeway Independent, Sunrise Superkids Primary, Hans Masibe Primary, Kgoka Primary, Chayiwe Primary, Thulamahashe Primary, Senyianye Primary and Maribe Primary Schools received their Green Flag Awards for successfully participating for 3 or more years in the Programme.
Image 8: Educators received various educational resources such as the EnviroKids Magazines.
Jan 29, 2018 | Archives
The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) has partnered with international accommodation booking agency Goodwings. The partnership is based on the common values shared by WESSA and Goodwings in supporting and fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals.
Goodwings combines a love for travel with a passion for creating a more sustainable future, with access to more than 365 000 hotels all over the world. For every booking made on Goodwings, 50% of the commission is donated to projects which benefit humans and the environment.
WESSA Eco-Tourism GM, Vincent Shacks said “This is a simple way for small to medium sized companies to create social impact from their business activities and also effectively report on it. By simply booking your travel through this platform, your company will be contributing to a charity of its choice. We hope that these responsible companies will consider choosing WESSA as their beneficiary”
This partnership will allow business and leisure travelers to support NGO’s like WESSA, to encourage positive change on the environment and youth while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information please visit www.goodwings.com
Vincent Shacks
General Manager of Ecotourism
Email: Vincent@wessa.co.za
Tel: +27 (0)82 337 1273