Leave a legacy

There couldn’t be a better time to talk about inheritances than right now. Because, from 16-20 September is National Wills Week – your chance to get a will drawn up by a qualified attorney absolutely free of charge.

Even if you already have a will, it’s worth checking that it’s not out of date. Circumstances change and some parts may no longer be relevant. Your estate may have increased or diminished in value. You may have bequeathed property or items you no longer possess to beneficiaries who are no longer around. Or there may be additional children or grandchildren who need to be included.

As you start thinking about, and making provision for, a time when you will no longer be around, remember to always make the most of every day. Start by taking just 20 seconds to enjoy one of those moments that make life so magical.


If you choose to do so, you can leave your heirs the most precious gift of all … a living world, filled with moments like this.

As you know, our natural world is under threat from climate change, pollution, and destructive human activities. But one sentence in your will can help protect habitats and species like the magnificent Southern Right whale.

By leaving a bequest to WESSA, you help us educate, advocate and act for a more sustainable planet. Speak to your attorney about how you can best include WESSA in your will – whether it’s by leaving a specific sum of money, or simply a share in whatever is left after you’ve made provision for your family.

If you want your bequest to be used for a specific project or programme, please contact us to discuss how this can be included in your will.