Taking Action
Position Statements
WESSA’s position on environmental issues
No to gas powerships
WESSA staff and volunteer activists opposed the proposal to mooring floating gas-powered powerstations in Saldanha, Ngqura and Richards Bay harbours.
South African Youth Statement: COP27
Read the COP27 National Youth Statement handed to Minister for the Environment, Minister Barbara Crecy, on Monday.
Position Statement – Seismic Activity in South African Coastal Waters
WESSA is unreservedly opposed to the 3D seismic surveys for oil and gas in the Indian Ocean coastal waters off the Wild Coast region of the Eastern Cape, and elsewhere off the coast of South Africa.
Open letter to the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation
Water is life, and South Africa does not have enough of it. Our water scarcity, currently acutely experienced in many parts of the country but particularly the Eastern Cape, is projected to become more serious in the future.
Ecosystems are failing because of us
The one remaining elephant in the Knysna forest is the last of her kind, as her lineage is now functionally extinct. The African penguin is now in such rapid decline that it too could become functionally extinct within the decade. What do we do? In the case of the...
WESSAs critique on the proposed Biodiversity Conservation and Use White Paper
WESSA critique on the proposed Biodiversity Conservation and Use white paper
Open letter to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) under the leadership of Minister Gwede Mantashe, has been a major obstacle to progress on a just energy and mining future
Kruger National Park Rhino population
The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) expresses concern about the well-documented decline (more than 50%) of the rhino population in the Kruger National Park (KNP) over the last 10 years and the subsequent low number of these animals now remaining in the park.
NEMBA Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy
As a whole we welcome the DFFE’s publishing of the NEMBA Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy. We believe it a significant and pragmatic step forward in addressing many of the challenges our natural heritage faces and ensuring the constitutional imperative...
Response to Fin 24 article, “NUM opposed to R131bn deal, backs Mantashe in battling and global anti-fossil fuel agenda”
A just transition should mean a steady moving away from coal and other fossil fuels as old mines and power stations close giving workers a chance to learn new skills and do more interesting and cleaner work.
Response to Minister Creecy’s report on the management, breeding, hunting and trade in wildlife
We welcome the decisive action taken by the Minister to end the captive lion breeding industry and restoring South Africa’s key role in conserving critical species.
Rhino horn trade
WESSA recognizes the intrinsic value of wildlife, the importance of wildlife to humanity, and views wildlife and people as interrelated components of an ecological-cultural-economic complex.